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Who I am


I am a management and strategy consultant working in the field of Fintech worldwide. I support financial


institutions,  regulatory organisations and Fintech companies. I provide strategic and organisational advise


in their day to day businesses, expansion plans, operational efficiencies and organisational matters. 



For more detailed information about my career path, visit Günes Ergun, MBA, MSc



Contact me at 



Why I want to share 


I follow the evolution of the Fintech ecosystem worldwide and in Turkey since 2012. Fintech is an industry and environment where sharing and exchanging of ideas and insights are key for sustainable success and growth.


Therefore, I take a role in the ecosystem creating and offering an open platform and allowing to exchange knowledge, news, insights, and enhance our visionary thoughts about the breath taking world of Fintech.


What we can do together


My blog's content is created to encourage discussion and exchange of ideas.  By participating in the discussions, sharing your thoughts and knowledge, spreading valuable ideas and know how, you can add a building block and contribute in the evolution of Fintech worldwide. 

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